Little Lessons

Wow, we sure have been busy lately. Olive’s treatment continues to go well, she is snoring on my lap as I type this.


Throughout our journey together Olive has been a phenomenal teacher, as dogs often are if we provide them with a listening ear. To share this with you I feel as though it is important to start with day one.

I still remember the day we got Olive like it was yesterday. I was a nervous wreck. I checked her flight multiple times, called the airlines, and then a storm surprised us, delaying flights. I haven’t slowed down since. I am constantly checking on Olive, monitoring breathing, making sure she doesn’t overheat, and supervising her with toys. In short, I’m a helicopter mom.

Yesterday Olive was visiting her fur cousin and was running around like a wild thing, huffing, grunting, snorting, and panting. Anyone who is aware of short nose breeds can understand the need for a mid exercise timeout to reduce overheating chances, add to this Olive’s chemo treatments and she was in need of a break. I went to intervene and Olive ran directly into my hand as I reached for her ball. Ensue panic. I pulled my hand away quickly as Olive continued to try to grab yet another toy. That’s when I realized her eye was red, blood red. Ensue chaos. I literally jumped up and ran to the kitchen screaming “Olive hurt her eye!!” To who, I’m not sure. Thankfully my mom and sister were there to reassure Olive while I texted a picture to our veterinarian who I am blessed to have. While panicking and freakingtheheckout  I looked over at Olive who was literally smiling, smiling. I sat down next to her and started talking, explaining myself “Olive, I try so hard to protect you, to keep you safe. I’m sorry. Im still not perfect.” And then somehow, in my panic, I listened. I listened to Olive reassure me. Here I was running around like a decapatated chicken as my dog was telling me she was okay.

Then I hear the ting of my phone. The vets prognosis, Olive injured her sclera and would likely be okay. My vets advice, watch her. If she is telling me that she is in pain bring her in, otherwise she should heal just fine. The eye has its own immune system and her injury was very minor.

Olive’s lesson to me, I am an animal communicator. We all are. We don’t need any special talent, we have it. The trick is allowing yourself to use it, to slow down, connect, sit, and listen to our dogs, they are always talking to us, and they are always listening.

Oh, and always follow up with your vet! 😉

6 thoughts on “Little Lessons

  1. Have read all that, all I can say is slooooooow down before you become a statistic! You are absolutely right re dogs communicating. They are so tuned into our body language, voice etc,. that they can read us pretty accurately. The weak link in the communication chain is us! We must learn to watch and listen to them just as they do with us. So glad everything turned out ok. 🙂


    • Indeed, dogs communicate very well, we need to take note more often.

      It’s a tough balance to find with a brachycephalic dog who is on chemo and has a previous diagnoses of encephalitis. I don’t think I’ll ever have the answer for what is “too far or too much.” While I still need to intervene at times I also need to remember that, while things can be scary, we are in this together. A battle of two, not one.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you so much for your blog. I am on a similar journey with my frenchie Tallulah who is the light of my life. She was diagnosed with ideopathic immune-related encephalitis a little over a year ago. I cried when reading your blog, knowing that another puppy has to go through what my girl is, but also in relief in a way that I wasn’t alone. Every word you write is like reading every emotion I have felt in my own journey. I am so blessed to have my little girl, and be the one here with her and caring for her. It is an unknown and scary path. But also a joyous and sweet one. Much love to you both- sending happy healing thoughts of love


    • Heather,
      Thank you so much for your kind comment and for taking the time to let us know your story. It is nice to not be alone, and horrible that we are together in this. Please use me as a shoulder to lean on, a support, or whatever you need. Sending well wishes Tallulah’s way!


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