Moving Forward

“Can a man still be brave if he’s afraid?  That is the only time a man can be brave” -George RR Martin

Olive had a repeat MRI and her scans show no evidence of active disease

I felt so relieved, and so concerned. I will never treat Olive the same. I will always wonder “what if” and will always watch her from her camera while I’m away, focusing on the in-out motions of her chest and the calmness of her face. I will always be her personal little stalker. 

And I think she is okay with that. 

Olive has always been my furry little stalker, now I share her enthusiastic burden. The restless and chaotic motions of watching a being’s every movement and following their daily journey. And I am so blessed to be here. It’s that unorganized swirl of emotions reminding me that my fear of recurrence is a blessing, because currently, at this present-wonderful-heartwarming moment, Olive is curled in my lap in remission. 

I am so incredibly blessed. 

While life’s blessings change us, we just might change life.  Every second, every moment, that I follow Olive is a moment I’m blessed to have.